Child Care Okehampton

Bumblebee’s Learning Experiences W/c  7th November 2016

Posted on Sunday, November 6, 2016 in Bumblebees Learning

“Its National Nursery Rhyme Week” so whatever room you are in, you are about to jump into the Land of Nursery Rhymes.

Let’s start with Humpty Dumpty and can you build a wall for him to sit on without falling.  Nows the opportunity to find out as we learn to build with a range of construction including those that fix together.  Let’s hope the soldiers save him in time!

In our small world area, the children have created their own Grandfather clock for the mouse to climb.  Once at the top, he can be posted through the hole so that the children can collect him back at the bottom. Children will also be able to explore the rhyme “This Little Piggy’ and Old Macdonald’s Farm.

In the role play, area children will have the opportunity to explore Miss Polly had a Dolly.  Will we be able to phone for a Doctor?  Will he arrive with his bag and his hat?  Will the dolly get better or will he need to visit again?

For our younger babies, we will be introducing our knitted nursery rhyme characters as we spend time using these and our various puppets to bring the rhymes alive along with our books, song cards, actions and voices.Outside there will be fun to be had with water as we introduce the rhyme of five speckled frogs.  Will you be able to balance them on their log?  Finally, look out for our Twinkle, Twinkle in our darkened area as we blast off into space.

Home Learning

Sing a song or rhyme as you rock or hug me.

Hold my hands to help me make actions as I sing songs.