Child Care Okehampton

Bumblebee’s Learning Experiences W/c 3rd October 2016

Posted on Sunday, October 2, 2016 in Bumblebees Learning

With the changes in the season this week the Bumblebees will be exploring the textures and colours of Autumn. In the malleable the children will discover spiced and coloured play dough in a range of yellow’s, orange’s, brown’s and red’s with the addition of cones, leaves and twigs. I wonder what decorations, marks and patterns they will create?  Look out for our Autumn Wonderland as children explore natural materials to find woodland creatures hiding beneath.  Will you find the fox, the mouse or the squirrel?  What’s that snuffling under the leaves?  Is it soft or prickly?  Can you guess what it could be?  Meanwhile out in the tent, with the enjoyment of the Bear Hunt story, there will be textures to explore and feel will you be brave enough to touch the mud, water and sticks?  What will we use for snow?  Will it be cold?

For our younger babies they will have the pleasure of investigating naturally found materials such as pinecones, coconut shells, large pebbles, shells and leaves.  Alongside there will be wooden coloured blocks and shakers to investigate sounds and how they bang together.  I wonder will we stack, categorise or count.  Will we use all of our senses as we explore and arouse our curiosity?

We have so many babies once again growing independent as they attempt to walk and those that are walking now want to climb!  Outside the challenge is now on as we provide walkers for babies and climbing equipment for those more adventurous to explore those techniques that encourage positional words such as up, down, over, under and through as the Bumblebees crawl, stand, pull themselves up, sit and slide.  Which will you do? 

Home Learning

  • Let me take a bucket on a walk so that I can fill it with interesting things or if I am not yet walking give me some pots and objects to fill and empty.
  • With my welly boots on let me splash in puddles or explore the sensation of mud.