Child Care Okehampton

Bumblebee’s Learning Experiences W/c 31st October 2016

Posted on Sunday, October 30, 2016 in Bumblebees Learning

What colours can you see? The bumblebees will be exploring colours this week through a wide range of activities. In our malleable area, we will be splashing in coloured water filling and emptying it from our pots, cups and bowls. During the week the colours will be changed for the children to talk about what colours they can see. What colour is the water? Is it blue?
In our construction area, we will be exploring the Duplo and Lego to build our towers. As well as making some lovely buildings, the children will be able to sort the bricks seeing if they can match them to their correct coloured bowls.

As a lot of our children are starting to talk we will encourage this by having an office role-play area. The bumblebees will be able to use the keyboards, telephones and even paper to take messages and write them down, answer the phones and even type up some letters. Who is on the phone? What did they want?

Let’s go to the farm! The Bumblebee’s enjoyed their visits to the Farm looking at the animals, so this week we will be creating our very own farmyard using the small world animals. Developing our language the bumblebees will be able to talk about each animal, their names, the sound they make and where they live. What sound does a pig make? Can you find the cow? What does a sheep say?

Home Learning

I love exploring colours! Let me paint a picture using a variety of colours and watch as they mix. Talk to me and tell me about what colours I’m using and the new ones I’m creating.

Help me to learn new words. Speak to me throughout our day about where we are going and what we are doing. It will encourage me to develop my language.