Child Care Okehampton

Bumblebee’s Learning Experiences W/c  14th November 2016

Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2016 in Bumblebees Learning

The Nursery Rhyme theme continues as we look at songs and rhymes about animals.  In the small world area, we will be introducing the song of the animals came in two by two with Noah’s Ark.  Meanwhile over in the malleable area, we will be getting muddy with  Old Macdonald’s Farm.  Get your welly boots ready as we explore animal names, sounds, colours and sizing as we match Mummy Pig to Baby Pig and decide which one is bigger.

Our Bumblebees have loved our babies in the Doctor Role Play; this will be extended on by having the familiar song of Three in a Bed.  The medical team will still be required as we tend to their bumped heads, but there will also be an opportunity to explore their home routines and experiences.

Our Bumblebees are showing a huge interest in numbers, filling and emptying add discovering hidden objects.  Look out for activities throughout the week to encourage these interests as we hide puppets in boxes, match numerals to numerals and fill boxes with the correct number of bricks.  To encourage hand and eye co-ordination and posting shapes into slots there will be hammer and peg boards to explore as we sing along to Peter hammers with one hammer.

Last but not least, outside we will be having fun with balls, creating our very own spider web as we explore mini beasts and learning about floating and sinking as we engage with Row, Row, Row, Your Boat.  After all this excitement what better than snuggling down in the tent with fairy lights, puppets and torches to create shadows to accompany stories and songs. 


Home Learning

Let me explore different things to see what I can do with them, like a collection of different types and sizes of balls or things that will roll.

Play games with me where I have to follow instructions like “roll the ball” or “throw the ball”.