Child Care Okehampton

Safety Policies and Practice

Posted on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 in Our Policies

Safety Policies and Practice

The Every Child Matters Outcomes Framework (DCSF, 2008b) for enabling children and families to be safe requires that early years settings must demonstrate that they are enabling children to be: safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence and sexual exploitation; from accidental injury and death; that children and young people have security, stability and be cared for and that they are safe from bullying and discrimination.

  • Outdoor and indoor spaces, furniture, equipment and toys must be safe and suitable for their purpose.
  • The provider must take necessary steps to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
  • Providers must ensure that adults looking after children or having unsupervised access to them are suitable to do so.
  • Providers must ensure that practitioners are not under the influence of alcohol or any other substance which may affect their ability to care for children.  If practitioners are taking any medication they should seek medical advice.
  • Adults looking after children must have appropriate qualifications, training, skills and knowledge.
  • Children’s behaviour must be managed effectively and in a manner appropriate for their stage of development and particular individual needs

Stepping Stones Day Nursery promotes children staying safe by providing security, stability and care that protects them from mistreatment and neglect, accidental injury, bullying, discrimination and anti-social behaviour.

Premises and Security

  • There is a CCTV camera in place to see who is at the door and a panic button to push if an emergency arises.
  • The outer door can not be opened from the outside without a key.
  • New staff is given an induction explaining that they are not to open the door unless they know who it is.  If the door is opened to an unknown visitor identification is asked for.
  • Visitors coming into the setting must sign in and out; they are to be taken to their designated place and are never to be left unattended.
  • On children and staff arrivals they must be signed in and registered for the day, likewise when they leave they must be signed out.
  • If someone other than the parent is collecting the child; written permission must be given and at least two forms of identification is needed this could be the name, a description, a photograph, driving license, or password to confirm the person’s identity.
  • If a person enters the play rooms and a member of staff is unsure of identity confirmation must be immediately obtained by a third party in all instances, before releasing the child.
  • Doors and gates must always be secure; door handles are high to reduce the risk of children opening the doors.  Before going outside the gate is always checked for closure and the area checked for stranger danger.
  • Internal safety gates / barriers are used as necessary.
  • The outdoor area is securely fenced
  • There are notices in the foyer reminding parents not to open the door to other adults and also to ensure gates and doors are closed behind them.
  • There is an alarm on the outer sleep door room to alert staff if someone is entering or leaving the room.
  • All children are supervised at all times and will always be within sight of an adult.
  • Children will only leave the group with authorised adults.
  • There is always a minimum of two people in any room.
  • Doors are never closed when changing a child.


  • On outings, the adults: child ratio will be at least one to two. At least one adult must have a current paediatric first aid certificate.
  • For each type of outing, providers must carry out a risk assessment before embarking on the outing.
  • The provider will obtain written parental consent before allowing children to take part in outings.
  • The practitioners must take a named register of children on the outing, along with contact numbers of the parents, a first aid kit, a mobile phone, change of spare clothes and water to drink with disposable cups.
  • Vehicles in which children are being transported and the driver of those vehicles must be adequately insured.

Suitable Premises, Environment and Equipment

  • The setting carries public liability insurance for the provision
  • Registered providers must notify Ofsted of any changes to the premises that may affect the space available to children and the quality of childcare available to them.
  • Whenever children are on the premises at least two adults are present.
  • A risk assessment is carried out twice daily, as well as an ongoing yearly review of risks that need to be assessed.
  • Fire doors are never obstructed
  • Fire drills are held at least twice a term and recorded in the Fire Log book.
  • Fire extinguishers are checked annually and staff know how to use them.
  • Smoke alarms and emergency lighting is in place.
  • The layout and space ratios allow children and adults to move safely and freely between activities.
  • The facilities, equipment and access to the premises are suitable for children with disabilities.  It must be stressed that the setting would do everything in its power to accommodate a child’s individual needs where necessary.
  • All breakages, hazards and faulty equipment is removed and also reported in the daily notebook to ensure quick repair.
  • Where damage is irreparable, it is removed and a replacement bought.
  • Equipment offered to children is developmentally appropriate, recognising that materials suitable for an older child may pose a risk to a younger / less mature child.
  • Large equipment is erected with care and checked regularly.
  • Activities such as cooking, woodwork and energetic play receive close and constant supervision.
  • All toys and equipment are regularly sterilised with a rota on display.
  • Children do not have unsupervised access to the kitchens office or any cupboard storing hazardous materials
  • All medications must be securely stored and kept out of reach of children at all times, this also includes staff medication.
  • Sleeping children are checked every fifteen minutes; an alarm is in place to ensure this happens.
  • Adults do not have hot drinks within the vicinity of the children.
  • Rooms are maintained at a temperature which ensures the comfort of the staff and children, these are monitored with thermometers.

Risk Assessments

  • There is a general risk assessment for each area of the setting, which are assessed regularly to ensure they are meeting requirements.
  • There are daily opening and closing checks for the nursery and for  the main kitchen.
  • There is a log book to record any incidents and a section for action to be taken with a date for completion.


  • All information is stored securely away in filing cabinets that can be locked.
  • Staff are made aware of our confidentiality policy on induction
  • There is an area where staff may speak to parents confidentially