Child Care Okehampton

Caterpillar’s Learning Experiences W/c 7th November 2016

Posted on Sunday, November 6, 2016 in Caterpillars Learning

Its National Nursery Rhyme Week, so whatever room you are in, you are about to jump into the Land of Nursery Rhymes.

The children have loved the musical instruments that they have made and what better way to explore Nursery Rhymes than with these.  Will we be able to play them to the beat?  Of course, we will! 

Outside we will be going to space as we learn to count down for blast off and sing the songs Zoom, zoom, zoom and five little men in a flying saucer.  Once back on land look out for Old Macdonald in a range of textures as they bed down for the night.  Head for our cosy tent where we can snuggle down and replay all our favourite rhymes using the Ipad, and cuddly toys for props as we sing along.

Back indoors and our malleable tray will be filled with water as we use a range of props to act out nursery rhymes such as Row, Row, Row your boat, five little ducks, 1,2,3,4,5, and of course speckled frogs.  To make our pond look more realistic there will be natural resources such as pebbles and logs to incorporate sinking and floating.

I ‘d like to think that we could think of a nursery rhyme for Dinosaurs, but the best we can come up with is the story Dinosaurarumpus!  However thus is a firm interest of the children and so come and explore our Jurassic world in the small world area, where we will be looking at size, colours and weird and wonderful names.  Who know’s maybe we’ll make up our very own nursery rhyme,

Home Learning

  • Give me ribbons and scarves to hold as I dance to music.
  • Use sock puppets or toy people or animals when you’re sharing one of my favourite songs with me.