Child Care Okehampton

Caterpillar’s Learning Experiences W/c 31st October 2016

Posted on Sunday, October 30, 2016 in Caterpillars Learning

Guy Fawkes night is happening this week, and the Caterpillars are going to be exploring how this particular event is celebrated.

As we all know a bonfire is a big part of the celebration, so the Caterpillars will be making their own pretend campfire to link with their camping role-play. I wonder what you might cook? Don’t forget to take your torch. Using the tent as a prop the children will be able to use their imaginations to create and act out a story about their camping trip. Will you be telling any stories at the campfire? I can’t wait to hear what happened! We may also get the chance to visit the Butterflies Garden to explore their real fire pit.

Learning about safety around fires and fireworks the children will be exploring emergency vehicles and how the different services keep us safe. We will be encouraging the children to talk about fire safety and who we might need to call if anything happens. How does a paramedic help you? What number do you need to call? What is a firefighter?

As well as bonfire’s, fireworks are an exciting thing to see. The Caterpillar’s will be creating their own through the exploration of powder paints, throwing some into a tray and pouring water over it to create a firework effect. I wonder what colour yours will be? Can you make a big one? Using a variety of resources, we will be making lots of different firework pictures for us to take home.

Fireworks can be loud and a little bit scary sometimes with the big bangs they make, so we will be creating some firework sounds using a variety of musical instruments. Will you make a loud sound? Or will you make a quiet sound? We will also be making some streamer shakers from pipe cleaners to dance around with to the sounds that we create.

Home Learning

Using the objects around your house see if you can make loud or quiet sounds. Will a cushion make a loud noise when you hit it? Use a variety of objects from tins, tables, toys, buckets and even food. See if you can bang them on the floor, hit them with spoons, your hands or maybe even shake them. Talk about the different sounds we can hear and how I can change them to make them louder or quieter.