Child Care Okehampton

Butterflies Learning Experiences W/c 3rd October 2016

Posted on Sunday, October 2, 2016 in Butterflies Learning

Our children are really enjoying the exploration of their natural world, after visiting a local wood and collecting various autumn materials the interest has now moved into the word of textures.  What better book to explore therefore than We’re Going On a Bear Hunt.  This week the children will have opportunity to explore the swishy, swashy grass, the swirling, whirling snowstorm and the thick, oozy mud with their hands and feet as we re-create the story through art and various activities.  Hopefully the anticipation of putting feet in ‘mud’, ‘water’, and ‘snow’ will raise some feelings of excitement, butterflies, shivers and tingles as children use words to express themselves.

Mini-beasts are still key and are back into focus as children have investigated through the use of an iPad how webs are spun.  Taking the texture into account this week we will be trying to create our own web with a new found malleable creation.  With tweezers and fingers will you be able to free the insects from the web without getting caught yourself?  Let’s hope so!

All of our Butterflies have loved our mathematical treasure basket and have had great fun counting, sorting and categorising in a number of ways.  This week as the interest continues we will be focusing on opposites  as we think about big and small, light and dark, heavy and light, on and off, up and down.  Likewise our letters and our names continue to be a real fascination and to encourage boys into the action too we will be sticking letters on to cars to see if they can put the letters into the correct sequence to create their names as they park them into parking bays.

Meanwhile outside we will be making our bug hotel, looking to see if our worms have started making patterns in their wormery and exploring water by making puddles, using various tools to create marks and learning about evaporation as it dries.  In addition we will be creating mazes with bricks and testing our collaboration skills as we work together to get the BeeBots out.  Will he need to turn, left or right?

Home Learning

  • Use the weather – shadows, rain, puddles, snow, mist and sun to extend your child’s vocabulary.
  • Make a name card for my bedroom door or a placemat with my name on it.  Let me use these to try and write my name by myself.