Child Care Okehampton

Butterflies Learning Experiences W/c 10th October 2016

Posted on Sunday, October 9, 2016 in Butterflies Learning

We’re getting into the carnival mood this week as we explore dancing, music, dressing up and carnival floats.  I wonder what you will be?  As we prepare for our own carnival here at Stepping Stones we will be showing off our creations and skills to the younger children as we perform our own parade.   This links nicely into our investigation area as we explore sounds, instruments and rhythms with music and physical movement.

The children have been using various resources to make a wide range of cakes and buns including Wedding cakes.  To carry on in this interest the home corner will be provided with baking tins, tools, tea towels, and oven gloves as we prepare and bake our favourite cakes from the recipes books provided.  What ingredients will we need?  Will we have enough eggs?  Don’t worry because outside in the garden you will be able to visit Stepping Stones Supermarket to buy all that you require.  Don’t forget to bring your bags and shopping list?  To further extend this interest and following on from the enjoyment of textures, we will be exploring the textures of food as we weigh, scoop and measure flour, sugar, and other such substances into cups using a wide range of utensils.

The children have loved using the lettered cars to make their names as well as other words.  Once they have been all lined up the children have enjoyed counting to see how many letters are in their name.  To engage in this line of enquiry further we will be placing a range of objects to be measured by using coloured blocks as a measuring tool.  This will encourage counting and quantities, with the addition of numerals to match the total of blocks.  Let’s get counting!

Home Learning

  • Sing number songs where I have to count backwards like “Five little ducks” or “Ten fat sausages”.
  • Make a pretend shop with me and let me write the price lists.