Child Care Okehampton

Caterpillars Learning Experiences W/c 13th April 2015

Posted on Friday, April 10, 2015 in Caterpillars Learning

The children will be making lots of music this week so they can experiment with different rhythms and sounds and think about the different actions needed to make their instruments work. These activities will aid the children with their listening and attention skills and with their personal, social and emotional skills, also beginning to learn to share the resources available to them.

Our focus in the maths area this week is shape puzzles so that the children can problem solve to put the puzzle pieces together and to also recognise the different shapes, perhaps match the shapes they see in their environment. To incorporate this interest the children will also be going on shapes hunts to see how many different shapes they can find.

The children will be learning all about positional language this week, using the positional lotto board game to use language such as ‘On top, behind and next to’  also so that the children can match colours and pictures. This will encourage the children to turn take and to also understand and respond to simple instructions.

Home Learning

Why don’t you make your own instruments with different recycled bits and pasta or rice so that you can have your own music session at home.

I wander how many different shapes are in and around your home? Why not go on a shape hunt to see what you can find?